Voicebot, your virtual assistant on the phone

A voice assistant that helps you automate communication where a keyboard alone simply isn’t enough.

Why to get a voicebot

Answers day and night without waiting

Can make and receive calls

Can speak many languages and change voice

Handles multiple calls at once and peak times

Understands customers’ wishes

Reduces costs – pay for actual calls only

Switches to a live agent if necessary

Connects to your systems

Maintains consistent communication

What can our voicebot do?

Speaks like a human

Voicebots speak world languages as well as Czech. They can switch between many voices – male or female. You can play with the intonation or tone of voice as well.


Listens to your customers and employees. It picks up everything from simple answers to, for example, a date of birth.

Has context

Thanks to the connection to your systems, it knows the caller in advance and adapts its communication. And next time, it can follow up on the previous.

Where our voicebot already helps


“Voice is the future. With voicebots, we make live agents more efficient and improve customer experience.”

– Vojtěch Dlouhý, Co-Founder & CEO

Where can voicebots help you the most?

In short: Anywhere you can find repetitive questions or situations. These are the most time-proved areas:


Recruitment and onboarding, feedback collection, service desk, surveys, offboarding

Customer Service

FAQ, contact info changes, information about services, satisfaction surveys

Public Administration

FAQ, internal helpdesk, handling of requests, entering information into systems


Managing orders & complaints, product availability, contact info changes, FAQ

Financial Services

Overdue reminders, financial guide, satisfaction surveys, active outbound calling

Real Estate

Collection and validation of contacts, FAQ, entering information into systems

IT Services

Helpdesk and service desk, setting and editing a profile, password reset

Anything Else

Not finding what you’re looking for? No worries. We’re up for any challenge.

Design, create, launch. Together.

We will build tailor-made voicebots just for you. Their deployment is mere 4 steps away. And naturally, you will have our full support the entire time.


How does it work?

Analyzing you and your needs

Creating the voicebot

Testing and adjusting

Releasing into the world

Interested in our voicebots?

Or give us your contact details and we’ll get back to you
within the next business day:

    Take the creating into your own hands

    Fancy taking the creation of virtual assistants into your own hands? Get started now with our Feedyou Platform.

    What do people often ask us

    We tried to answer the questions that get asked
    the most by our potential clients.

    We build the voicebots so that the conversation is as genuine as possible. At the same time, we give them such a personality so that people enjoy the conversation. And if the voicebot still doesn’t cut it, they always have the option of switching to a live agent.

    We always offer a callback to a live agent for more complex questions. This is your strength and added value: in non-standard situations. And we will continuously improve the voicebot so that it can handle the routine ones in the best possible way.

    Simple – you get a lot of repetitive questions from customers, employees or candidates. Typically, virtual assistant services are appreciated when you want to reduce costs and increase efficiency, whether it’s recruitment, customer service, helpdesk, etc.