Up Czech Republic struggled with an overloaded customer center and hundreds of recurring inquiries regarding eStravenka or eBenefity vouchers/coupons and the MůjUp app. To handle the most common ones from the users, both employers and employees, new technology was needed that would allow the customer center to deal with more complex inquiries. In the second chatbot use case, Up was looking for a solution to reduce the number of paper (meal) vouchers among their users and transfer them smoothly into the digital environment.

Our Solution
To answer frequently asked questions quickly, Up has chosen an FAQ chatbot solution that instantly provides employers or employees with information about eStravenka or eBenefity voucher cards. The chatbot will help clarify what an eStravenka is, how to get it, how it works, what benefits it brings, or where specifically you can pay with it. The chatbot is available after logging in directly on the web portal or in the application. The chatbot also includes an NLP model, which allows the user to directly ask a question on a specific topic and get a quick answer. The NLP model trains itself in real-time and develops over time, so it is able to respond very precisely.
The FAQ chatbot answers these questions
The chatbot will help employees or employers find an answer in as little as 1.5 minutes on average. Most often in these categories.

General cards related questions
Can these cards be combined with another payment method, do the cards work abroad, in which businesses they do/don’t accept it, and other questions.

Card issues
How to activate it, what to do when the card does not work, how to change the PIN, what to do in case of loss, when it expires, when the employment relationship ends, when the card is blocked, and other questions.

MůjUp app related questions
How to log in, is registration required, what to do in case of a forgotten password, lost password or username, how to view the history of transactions, how to download the MůjUp application, and other questions.
Results after 24 months

Digitization of paper meal vouchers
Paper meal vouchers are a very common part of companies in the Czech Republic. Up was looking for a way to easily introduce employees and employers to the benefits of switching from the paper vouchers to their digital version. Users who have paper vouchers will receive a leaflet with a QR code together with the vouchers, and by scanning it, they will be taken directly to the chatbot. Another access option is to use a regular link. The chatbot guide makes it easier to fill in the registration form and guide the users through the entire process of switching to the digital eStravenka. The user is asked for his name, e-mail, and phone number, which the chatbot automatically fills in the form next to it.

Clever NLP model
Thanks to the clever Feedyou NLP model, users can ask their questions directly and get immediate answers. The model trains itself over time and can be supplemented with new answers. With the combination of a tree structure, in which the user selects from a menu of preset frequently asked questions, and the NLP model, it is achieved fast and accurate answering to a whole range of questions.
What they’ve said about us
In the last two years, Up Czech Republic has undergone more fundamental innovation changes. Above all, we focused on greater digitization of our products in the area of catering and leisure benefits, we expanded our services with more comprehensive customer solutions, as well as we modified a number of internal processes. At the very beginning of the changes, we built a completely new “Můj Up” platform in a web and mobile version, where we integrated a virtual assistant, chatbot, by Feedyou. We are constantly “educating” our assistant by adding more information to him. At the same time, we found him a virtual assistant Petra for a targeted marketing campaign. Here I would like to highlight Feedyou’s pro-client approach with a flexible solution and full support. Petr Mikoláš, Digital Product Manager @ Up Czech republic

About Up Czech Republic
Up Czech Republic is a branch of the international Up Group, which is represented in 28 countries around the world. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1995. Up Czech Republic specializes in employee benefits and incentive programs for employees in both the private and public sectors. Up offers tax-advantaged benefits, paper and electronic meal vouchers and vouchers for leisure activities in the field of culture, sports, education, health, travel, relaxation, buying books. At present, Up Czech Republic has about 300,000 users.