2nd place at IEA 2022 with SKODA AUTO chatbot – Feedyou

2nd place at IEA 2022 with SKODA AUTO chatbot

Together with SKODA AUTO, we are bringing home a 2nd place award from Internet Effectiveness Awards 2022 in the Automotive, traffic services and logistics category.

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Kateřina Kopecká
Marketing Manager @ Feedyou

19. 12. 2022

Internet Effectiveness Awards, the most significant Czech competition regarding the effectiveness of digital projects, took place in Prague. Our Cognitive assistant 2.0 for effective preboarding of new employees made it into the final three in the Automotive, traffic services and logistics category, and ended up taking second place. 🥈

What about the huge amount of paperwork after you shook hands? No more!

Preboarding is a process that takes place between agreeing to accept the candidate and their first day. We all know how time-consuming this process is, not to mention the number of documents and personal information about the employee that is passed around. In SKODA AUTO, we managed to refresh and simplify this process for both sides using a virtual assistant that collects all personal information, documents and papers necessary for onboarding in accordance with GDPR.

The assistant handles all necessary communication, including foreign language applicants, and also checks all data to avoid confusion or unnecessary errors. Everything is then entered into the personnel system KOMPAS (SAP Success Factors), on which basis the recruiter can issue an employment contract. At the same time, the data is stored in SKODA AUTO’s private, secure Microsoft Azure Cloud, then used for the Power BI report, which allows the quality of the data to be sufficiently monitored and any problems to be identified. Last but not least, the chatbot guides the candidate through the next steps in their subsequent onboarding. And voila, both parties are ready for onboarding day. The virtual assistant is now integral to onboarding primarily blue-collar manufacturing workers.

You can read the entire ŠKODA AUTO case study here.

What got us the silver?

A professional jury of the IEA competition, consisting of managers of successful projects, journalists from professional media and experts of the academic field, judges the effectiveness of the projects based on objectively measurable numbers and fulfillment of given goals. The scale is a clear and numbered measurement of effectiveness. ROI (return of investment), CP (conversion proportion), CTR (cost to turnover ratio), ROAS (return of advertising spend) or others.

We set the line of success of the virtual assistant at 90 % (how many new employees are successfully preboarded through the virtual assistant). We are currently sitting at a success rate of 95 %.

Main saving

We have entirely replaced onboarding paper questionnaires

✅ We have shortened the preboarding process to a third of the time

In the past, an employee would spend more than 40 minutes filling in paper forms. Nowadays, all we ask is 10 minutes to fill out personal questionnaires through the virtual assistant. Another thing we got rid of is the manual filling and rewriting of the information into the system by the recruiter and HR.

Additional benefits

✅ The virtual assistant takes care of preboarding 24/7 and doesn’t need time off

✅ It’s accessible through any devices owned by the employee, saving them a trip to the administrative centers

✅ Data is immediately available with a consistent and correct output

✅ The solution is fully secured thanks to the private Microsoft Azure Cloud ŠKODA AUTO

✅ After onboarding, data is anonymized in accordance with GDPR

✅ The database of new employees and the quality control of personal information is ensured by reporting in PowerBi

What results we are proud of

👉 76% successful chatbot completions when deployed in 2020

👉 95% successful chatbot completions from January 2021 to present

👉 2,363 employees handled by the chatbot from January 2021 to December 2022

👉 The majority of employees communicated with the virtual assistant on their own device (mobile phone or computer)

“At SKODA AUTO, we faced major challenges related to the new HR strategy and the implementation of the new HR system KOMPAS (SAP Success Factors). In cooperation with our colleagues at Feedyou, we have succeeded in streamlining the preboarding process at ŠKODA AUTO, especially for blue-collar positions thanks to our virtual assistant, which has proven to be a valuable tool. I believe that this solution can be an inspiration – don’t be discouraged by the complexity and intricacy of the processes, be open-minded and go for efficiency. Anything is possible.”

– Monika Pohlová, Product Owner @ ŠKODA AUTO

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