We must never run out of beer! That’s clear as day. But to prevent this from happening, Pilsner Urquell, in Czech the “Plzeňský Prazdroj” brewery, needs enough key production and warehouse staff. And that’s what the Pilsners called us for. When career pages alone are not enough, we need to present the jobs to candidates in a different way. And not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Slovakia – at the Šariš brewery.

Our Solution
Hold on to your pints, here we go! We’ve put the chatbot called Olda on the careers site and made the job search much more interactive. Olda introduces candidates to positions based on the location they want to work in. He finds out everything he needs from the candidates and even creates a CV in PDF himself, when a candidate doesn’t have one. On top of that, he quickly sets up the candidate’s card in the SAP Success Factors HR system.

“We have deployed the chatbot in the Czech Republic for Pilsner Urquell and in Slovakia for Šariš. It is an ideal tool for career pages and in combination with our Facebook campaign, new candidates for key positions are flowing into all 4 factories.”
Iva Panchartkova, Account Manager
Meet Olda the G.O.A.T.
Do you know the symbol of beer from the Czech town of Velke Popovice – the goat called Olda? He recently celebrated 100 years. What a champ. Naturally, we wanted to give Olda another job, so he became the avatar of one of our chatbots.

How Olda saves recruiters’ time
No CV? No problem!
Thanks to well-chosen questions, we learn important information about the candidate that can easily replace a regular CV. The chatbot can also generate a PDF document from the data it collects, so the absence of a CV is no problem.

Connection with SAP Success Factors
By connecting to SAP Success Factors, we place candidates directly into the system where recruiters can work with them straightaway.

Campaign on Facebook
Pilsner Urquell knows that there is power in a passive chatbot. It takes care of the users on the web and gets them interested in joining the company. But from time to time, they also decide to power it up, and so we are launching a social media campaign to run alongside the chatbot.

Go big or go home!

What did they say about us
We decided to go with a chatbot because we have not had enough applicants for some of the production positions. We can’t fit everything we want to tell candidates into the job postings, which the chatbot helps us with. Candidates can find out straight away if the position is suitable for them and then decide whether to apply or not. It’s easier than a traditional application through a job board or our careers site, as they don’t have to give the chatbot a CV, which they often don’t have prepared. Ivana Pavlíčková, Head of Talent Management CZ/SK @ Pilsner Urquell Brewery
The old ways of recruiting no longer work. The younger generation is used to being actively approached with offers. Deploying a chatbot and Facebook campaign helps us to target potential candidates. It guides the candidate through the details of the position in a very user-friendly and interactive way. It’s great that we can change the targeting during the campaign as well as possibly modify the campaign with audio visual elements. We’ve been using this method of reaching candidates for a year now and it’s getting us results that we couldn’t achieve with traditional static advertising. Radoslav Jánošík, HR Business Partner
@ Pilsner Urquell Slovakia

About the Pilsner Urquell Brewery
Plzeňský Prazdroj (Pilsner Urquell Brewery) is the largest beer producer in the Czech Republic and also the largest exporter of beer to foreign countries. It employs thousands of people in the Czech Republic and sold 11 million hectolitres of beer worldwide in 2021. We are delighted to be able to help expand their team of employees. Cheers!